Seek and Find


Friday, January 9, 2009

Where Is My Global News?

I don't know about where YOU live, but, where I live, the local newspaper has become pretty much a non entity as far as content. Especially covering national and international news. In order to stay on top of "global events", YOU have to have the latest from around the planet. I am listing a couple of cool sites that I get a wealth of info from. Hope YOU enjoy, and, if YOU have any intersting news outlets, let me know.
BBC NEWS News Front Page

RussiaToday : News

China Daily Website - Connecting China Connecting the World

ABC Online This site is for Australian news

Global Volcanism Program Volcanoes of the World Find a Volcano by Region This is not a news site but, with all the erupting volcanoes these days, this map will let YOU track and see exactly where they are. Along with a history etc.

"The More YOU Know, The Longer YOU May Live",

Bobby Sharpe
Bobby Sharpe's "Animalz": Pink Lizard 5 Million Yrs Old, Where's Godzilla? Bobby Sharpe's "Indigo Spiritz": "I Don'T Know, Do YOU"?

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