Seek and Find


Friday, November 21, 2008

"True Blood" & "24" Super Sunday

I don't know about the rest of the world, but for me, I am looking forward to Sunday night November 23, 2008. I am sick of all the "doom and gloom" the media keeps feeding us about the economy, credit, housing, jobs, bailouts, banks, stock market and on and on. YOU/US people screwed this whole thing up, soooo, "quit whining, take your lumps and deal with it and move on"!

That being said, "we all need some escapism". That is what Sunday night is all about. Two of the most "edge of your seat" tv shows ever created. Hell, I'm getting ticked already because it is the season finale of HBO: True Blood. If YOU have not seen or watched this series, YOU have really missed out! Especially if YOU are a "vampire" fan. This is much better than any teen vampire story being pushed these days. Click on the link and get up to speed. This is NOT for the squeamish, faint of heart and prudes.

As if that were not enough, after a major hiatus, "24", one of my all time favorite tv shows returns with a 2 hour movie to get everybody uptodate on what is going on with this show. From what I understand, "this is a DO NOT MISS movie". It is a great lead in to the actual series starting up in January '09. 24 - Trailer

So, what to do? I am watching HBO: True Blood and recording 24 - Trailer to watch after. Terrorist and vampires, what a night! "Screw the economy"! lol

"Life is short, live it",