Seek and Find


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"2012" - NASA's TAKE? MAYBE

Godzilla has nothing to do with story

A friend of mine sent me this link to NASA's take on "2012". Naturally, it pooh poohs all the "doomsday" stuff that has been associated with the date. What, the gov is going to tell You the real deal? Either way, they never mention anything about stuff that HAS happened and WILL happen again. Like Yellowstone, tecktonic plate shifts, San Andreas etc..enjoy the read!!

By the way, "nobody ever said the "world would end". Defragged and re-booted maybe, but not end!

Wake Up, Pay Attention,

Bobby Sharpe Facebook Bobby Sharpe Bobby Sharpe's " Opyn Mindz": Cannabis Cafe, Portland, Oregon

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"2012" The Movie - Review

Let me start by saying, "2012" the movie, is just that, a movie. There are two perspectives going on here however. One is the movie/entertainment aspect. The second is the science and history and prophecy aspects of the movie.

Based on what I saw, most, if not all, is very possible. Most of what is in the movie concerning the events that pretty much "defrag and reboot" the Earth, have happened in the past history of this planet. And yes, if they occurred again in our lifetime, "we are so screwed". However, "it is not the end of civilization".

There were a ton of adults in the theatre for the showing I saw. There were also way to many younger kids that I do not think needed to be there. The movie is dark and depressing, as it should be for the "end of days". It is pretty heavy and intense. It is not an "uplifting" tale.

However, from the pure entertainment factor, the special effects are awesome, and, the characters were pretty good. It is an edge of your seat ride. Props to Roland Emmerich. I will see this movie again. As I always say, "pay attention, this could be more than "just a movie".

Question for those of You that have seen "2012"? How many of You think that those arcs are actually being built, or, have been built somewhere on the planet? Leave me a comment or send me an email

"Three And a Half Stars for "2012",